Station 1801593 - SD 1077 - 24 NM SSW of San Francisco, CA (Site of 46012)
Click on the graph icon in the table below to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation. | |
Wind Direction (WDIR): | NNW (333 deg) |
Wind Speed (WSPD): | 12.0 kts |
Wind Gust (GST): | 14.2 kts |
Wave Height (WVHT): | 5.9 ft |
Dominant Wave Period (DPD): | 13 sec |
Atmospheric Pressure (PRES): | 30.20 in |
Air Temperature (ATMP): | 56.3 °F |
Water Temperature (WTMP): | 55.8 °F |
Combined plot of Wind Speed, Gust, and Air Pressure |
Links which are specific to this station are listed below:
Real Time Data in tabular form for the last forty-five days.
Historical Data & Climatic Summaries for quality controlled data for prior months and years.
The weekly status report and the weekly maintenance report also provide valuable station information.
Note that the payload types and the station locations occasionally change.