February 03,2025 - February 10,2025


Percent of Data Disseminated in Real Time

StationHull No./Config and LocationLocation Lat/LongWind SpeedWind DirectionSea Level PressureWave HeightDominant Period Air TempWater TempDew PointRemark
41001* East Hatteras34.70N 72.23WSSSSSSSSBuoy recovered 10/26/24, data release stopped.
41002*3DV33 (SC) South Hatteras31.75N 74.93WSSSSSSSSBuoy adrift 12/30/24.
41004*3DV02 (SC) Edisto32.50N 79.08W1009410099991009994
41008*3D36 (SC) Grays Reef31.40N 80.85W10010010010010010010090All data is intermittent after 8/18/23.
41009*3D65 (SC) Canaveral28.50N 80.18W100100100100100100100100Water temperature ceased 3/25/23. Air temperature and dewpoint failed 11/10/22.
41010*3D41 (SC) Canaveral East28.87N 78.47W10010010010010010099100
41013*3D33 (SC) Frying Pan Shoals, Nc (buoy)33.43N 77.75W1001001001001001009983Air temperature data is intermittent. Dewpoint intermittent due to supersaturation.
41025*3D16 (SC) Diamond Shoals35.00N 75.45W100100100100100S99SAir temperature and dew point data ceased 1/10/24. Waves ceased 5/10/24.
41040*3D37 (SC) North Equatorial One14.53N 53.13W10010010010010010099100
41041* North Equatorial Two14.45N 46.32WSSSSSSSSAdrift buoy recovered 10/14/21.
41043*3DV36 (SC) Ne Puerto Rico21.02N 64.78W100100100999910088100Water temperature intermittent.
41044*3D70 (SC) Ne St Martin21.57N 58.62W100100100100100100100100
41046* East Bahamas23.82N 68.38WSSSSSSSSBuoy adrift 8/12/24. Dewpoint failed 10/31/23.
41047*3DV26 (SC) N.e. Bahamas27.47N 71.45WSSSSSSSSBuoy adrift 10/11/24. Water temperature ceased 6/16/24.
41048* West Bermuda31.82N 69.57WSSSSSSSSStation recovered 4/29/24.
41049*3DV17 (SC) South Bermuda27.50N 62.27W100100100999910099100
42001*3DV42 (SC) Mid Gulf25.92N 89.65WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 1/22/25. Dewpoint failed 11/9/24. Waves intermittent.
42002* West Gulf26.05N 93.63WSSSSSSSSBuoy recovered 10/26/24, data release stopped.
42003* East Gulf25.92N 85.60WSSSSSSSSNo transmissions since 9/21/22.
42012*3D43 (SC) Orange Beach, Al30.05N 87.53W100100100SS10098100Waves are intermittent.
42019*2.1D12 (SC) Freeport, Tx27.90N 95.33W100100100100100S98SAir temp failed, dew point missing. Wind and waves intermittent.
42020*3D74 (SC) Corpus Christi, Tx26.97N 96.67W100100100999910096100Water temperature and waves intermittent.
42035*3DV41 (SC) Galveston, Tx29.23N 94.40W100100100100100100100100Air temperature and dewpoint missing 5/16/24.
42036*3D40 (SC) West Tampa28.50N 84.50W1001001009898100S100Water temperature ceased 9/22/23.
42039* Pensacola28.78N 86.00WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 11/15/23.
42040*3DV34 (SC) Luke Offshore Test Platform29.20N 88.23W1001001009999100S100Water temperature ceased 7/16/23.
42055*3DV44 (SC) Bay Of Campeche22.13N 94.10W10010010010010010099100Air temperature and dew point ceased 7/25/24.
42056*3DV32 (SC) Yucatan Basin19.82N 84.97W100100100100100100100100
42057*3D66 (SC) Western Caribbean16.97N 81.57WSS100100100S99SWater temperature is intermittent. Air temperature, dew point and winds ceased 5/31/24.
42058*3DV65 (SC) Central Caribbean14.50N 75.15W1001001009999100100100Air temperature and dewpoint intermittent.
42059*3DV64 (SC) Eastern Caribbean Sea15.30N 67.47WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 7/2/24.
42060*3DV67 (SC) Caribbean Valley16.43N 63.32W10010010010010010099100
44005*3D51 (SC) Gulf Of Maine43.20N 69.12WSSSSSSSSAir temperature failed 2/13/24. Dewpoint failed 5/31/23. Wind speed and direction failed 3/24/24. Transmissions ceased 3/25/24.
44007*3D69 (SC) Portland, Me43.52N 70.13W100100100100100100100100
44008*3D48 (SC) Nantucket40.48N 69.25WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 10/18/24 due to vessel interaction.
44009*3D59 (SC) Delaware Bay38.45N 74.68W1001001001001001009996Dewpoint intermittent due to supersaturation.
44011*3DV66 (SC) Georges Bank41.08N 66.55W10010010010010010010098Dewpoint is intermittent.
44013*2.1D13 (SC) Boston42.33N 70.65W100100100999910099100
44014*2.1D03 (SC) Virginia Beach36.60N 74.83W10010010099991009591Dewpoint intermittent due to supersaturation. Water temperature intermittent.
44017* Montauk Point40.68N 72.03WSSSSSSSSAdrift buoy recovered 2/9/23.
44018*3DV23 (SC) Cape Cod42.20N 70.15WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 8/27/24.
44020*3DV04 (SC) Nantucket Sound41.48N 70.27W10010010099991009999Dewpoint intermittent due to supersaturation.
44025*3DV48 (SC) Long Island40.25N 73.17W1001001002929544554All transmits intermittent.
44027*3DV52 (SC) Jonesport, Me44.28N 67.30W100100100100100S100SAir temperature, dewpoint, and barometric pressure missing 2/8/23.
44065*3DV11 (SC) New York Harbor Entrance40.37N 73.70W10010010010010010099100
44066* Texas Tower #439.62N 72.63WSSSSSSSSBuoy recovered 4/16/24.
45001* Mid Superior48.05N 87.78WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/7/24.
45002* North Michigan45.33N 86.40WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/14/24.
45003* North Huron45.35N 82.83WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 1/10/25.
45004* East Superior47.58N 86.58WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/7/24.
45005* West Erie41.67N 82.38WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/3/24.
45006* West Superior47.33N 89.78WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/6/24.
45007* South Michigan42.67N 87.02WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/10/24.
45008* South Huron44.28N 82.40WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 1/10/25.
45012* Lake Ontario43.62N 77.40WNNNNNNNNBuoy recovered for winter 12/10/24.
46001*3D47 (SC) Western Gulf Of Alaska56.28N 148.02W100100100100100S99SAir temperature and dewpoint missing 10/30/24.
46002* West Oregon42.65N 130.50WSSSSSSSSAdrift buoy recovered 11/4/23.
46005*3D44 (SC) West Washington46.13N 131.08WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 11/19/24. Dewpoint intermittent due to supersaturation.
46006*3D05 (SC) Southeast Papa40.75N 137.37W100100100100100100100100
46011*3D26 (SC) Santa Maria34.93N 120.98W100100S100100S99SAir temperature and barometric pressure missing after 2/25/23. Water temperature intermittent 9/24/22. Dewpoint failed 8/11/22.
46012* Half Moon Bay37.35N 122.87WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 2/27/23.
46013*3D76 (SC) Bodega Bay38.23N 123.32W100100100100100100S100Water temperature data failed 8/9/23.
46014*3D30 (SC) Pt Arena39.22N 123.97W10010010010010010010090Dewpoint intermittent due to frequent supersaturation.
46015*3D12 (SC) Port Orford42.75N 124.83W1001001009696S89SAir temperature and dew point ceased 11/20/24.
46022*3DV57 (SC) Eel River40.70N 124.53W100100100SS10099100Barometric pressure intermittent. Waves intermittent 2/12/24.
46025*3D58 (SC) Santa Monica Basin33.75N 119.03W10010010010010010099100
46026*3D09 (SC) San Francisco37.75N 122.83WSSS2626S9SAir temperature and dewpoint failed 9/13/20. Winds and barometric pressure ceased 2/6/24.
46027*3D77 (SC) St Georges41.83N 124.37W100100100100100100100100
46028*3DV38 (SC) Cape San Martin35.77N 121.90W100100100100100SSSNon-wave data is intermittent 11/5/24. Dewpoint intermittent due to frequent supersaturation. Water temperature ceased 3/10/24.
46029*3D60 (SC) Columbia River Bar46.15N 124.48W100100100100100S100SAir temperature and dewpoint intermittent.
46035*3DV50 (SC) Central Bering Sea57.03N 177.47WSS65SSSSSTransmissions intermittent due to power issues. Wind speed failed 10/4/24. Air temperature and dewpoint ceased 9/18/24.
46041*3D19 (SC) Cape Elizabeth47.35N 124.73W100100100100100100S98Dewpoint intermittent due to frequent supersaturation. Water temp ceased 1/14/24.
46042* Monterey36.78N 122.38WSSSSSSSSAdrift buoy recovered 12/15/23.
46047*3D52 (SC) Tanner Bank32.38N 119.52W100100100100100100100100Wave data ceased 9/13/23.
46050*3DV56 (SC) Stonewall Bank44.67N 124.53W8686100SS86SSDewpoint failed 6/13/23. Air temp and wind direction intermittent 3/3/24. Wave data and water temperature ceased 1/5/25.
46053*2.1D07 (SC) East Santa Barb34.23N 119.83W1001009971711004276Waves and humidity are intermittent.
46054*3D89 (SC) West Santa Barb34.27N 120.47W100100100100100S99SAir temperature and dewpoint failed 7/2/24.
46059* West California38.07N 129.97WSSSSSSSSAdrift buoy recovered 11/5/24.
46060*3D85 (AR) West Orca Bay60.57N 146.78W1001001009898100SNWater temperature failed 9/27/24. Wave data intermittent. 6/29/24.
46061*3D20 (SC) Seal Rocks60.22N 146.83WSS100SSS99SWinds failed 1/12/25. Waves ceased 10/17/24. Air temperature and dew point data failed 10/12/24.
46066*3D27 (SC) South Kodiak52.75N 155.00WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 10/5/24. Dewpoint failed 6/9/22.
46069*3D81 (SC) South Santa Rosa Is33.67N 120.20W100100100100100S100SAir temp and dew point intermittent 11/18/24.
46070*3D73 (SC) Southwest Bering Sea55.05N 175.25ESSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 10/3/24.
46071*3D29 (SC) Western Aleutians51.03N 179.75E100100100100100S100SWater temperature is intermittent. Air temperature and dew point missing.
46072*3D42 (SC) Central Aleutians51.63N 172.13W10010010010010010099100
46073*3D72 (SC) Southeast Bering Sea55.00N 172.00W100S100100100S99SWind direction failed 1/20/25. Air temperature and dewpoint missing 10/4/24.
46075*3D46 (SC) Shumagin Islands53.97N 160.78WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 11/5/24. Wind direction failed 2/23/24. Air temp and dewpoint failed 8/31/23.
46076*3D18 (SC) Cape Cleare59.50N 148.00W100100100100100SSSAll transmits intermittent 12/24/24. Air temperature and dew point ceased 10/12/24.
46077*3D15 (AM) Shelikof Strait57.87N 154.20W100100100100100100100SDewpoint failed 11/20/23.
46078*3D49 (SC) Albatross Bank55.55N 152.58W100100100100100100100100
46080*3D25 (SC) Portlock Bank57.90N 150.12W100100100100100S100SAir temperature and dewpoint ceased 11/17/24.
46081*3D28 (AR) Western Prince William Sound60.80N 148.27W1001001009898100S100Water temperature failed 01/24/22.
46082*3D63 (SC) Cape Suckling59.67N 143.35WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 10/12/24. Dewpoint intermittent due to frequent supersaturation.
46083* Fairweather Ground58.27N 138.02WSSSSSSSSBuoy recovered 10/21/24, data release stopped. Wind direction failed 12/12/23.
46084*3D32 (SC) Cape Edgecumbe56.60N 136.03W10010010010010010099100
46085* Central Gulf Of Alaska55.87N 142.87WSSSSSSSSTransmissions ceased 11/5/22.
46086*3DV14 (SC) San Clemente Basin32.48N 118.05W10010010010010010099100
460873D87 (SC) Neah Bay, Wa48.48N 124.72W10010010010010010098100Water temperature lost web data due to processing issues.
460883D02 (SC) New Dungeness, Wa48.32N 123.17W100100100999910099100
46089*3DV20 (SC) Tillamook, Or45.92N 125.80W100100100100100S99SAir temperature and dew point ceased 12/14/24.
51000*3DV37 (SC) Northern Hawaii One23.52N 153.78W10010010010010010099100
51001*2.1D15 (SC) Northwestern Hawaii One24.47N 162.02W1001001009999100100100
51002*3DV28 (SC) Southwestern Hawaii17.07N 157.75W10010010010010010099100
51003*3DV53 (SC) Western Hawaii19.13N 160.63W100100100323210098100Wave data is intermittent. Water temperature is intermittent.
51004*3DV29 (SC) Southeastern Hawaii17.53N 152.22W100100S100100100100100Barometric pressure failed 7/18/23.
51101*3DV49 (SC) Northwestern Hawaii Two24.35N 162.07W10010010010010010099SDewpoint failed 2/20/23.
Total Base Funded Buoys:104
Total Other Buoys:2

Total Moored Buoys:106

*Base funded station of National Weather Service (NWS); however, all stations report data to NWS.



Hull TypeAnemometer Ht.
6N6 meter NOMAD5 m
3D/3DV3 meter discus5 m
2.3D2.3 meter foam discus4 m
2.4DV2.4 meter foam discus4 m

Payload Types

Example: 6N27/VE means 6-meter NOMAD buoy, hull number 27, with VEEP payload.


Percent of Data Disseminated in Real Time

StationHull No./Config and LocationLocation Lat/LongWind SpeedWind DirectionSea Level PressureWave HeightDominant Period Air TempWater TempDew PointRemark
AMAA2* (AR) East Amatuli Island Light58.90N 151.95W100100100NN100N100
AUGA2* (MA) Augustine Island, Ak59.37N 153.33W100100100NN100NSDewpoint failed 7/11/23.
BLIA2* (SU) Bligh Reef Light, Ak60.83N 146.88W100100100NNSNNAir temperature failed.
BURL1* (AR) Southwest Pass , La28.90N 89.42W999999NN99N99Station restored 7/16/24.
BUZM3* (MA) Buzzards Bay,ma41.38N 71.03W100100100NNSNSStation transmissions intermittent 3/13/22. Air temperature failed 2/2/25. Dewpoint failed 08/21/19.
CDRF1* (MA) Cedar Key, Fl29.13N 83.02WSSSNNSNSDewpoint failed 8/30/23. Station transmits ceased 9/13/23.
CLKN7* (MA) Cape Lookout, Nc34.62N 76.52WSSSNNSNSTransmissions ceased 1/13/25.
DBLN6* (MA) Dunkirk, Ny42.48N 79.35W100100100NN100NN
DESW1* (MA) Destruction Island,wa47.67N 124.48W100100100NNSNNAir temperature failed 6/3/22.
DISW3* (SU) Devils Island, Wi47.07N 90.72W100100100NN100N99
FBIS1* (MA) Folly Island, Sc32.68N 79.88WSSSNNSNSTransmissions ceased 12/17/23.
FFIA2* (SU) Five Fingers ,ak57.27N 133.62W100100100NN100NN
FILA2* (AR) Flat Island Light59.32N 151.98W100100100NN100N100
FWYF1* (MA) Fowey Rock, Fl25.58N 80.08WSSSNNSSNTransmissions ceased 12/17/22.
IOSN3* (SU) Isle Of Shoals, Nh42.97N 70.62W100100100NN100N98Dewpoint intermittent 2/20/22.
KTNF1* (MA) Keaton Beach, Fl29.82N 83.58WSSSNNSNSStation removed 11/29/23 due to damage from Hurricane Idalia.
LONF1* (SC) Long Key, Fl24.83N 80.85W100100100NN100N100
MDRM1* (MA) Mt Desert Rock, Me43.97N 68.12W100100100NN100N100Dewpoint intermittent.
MISM1* (SU) Matinicus Rock, Me43.78N 68.85W100100100NN100NSDewpoint failed 4/4/24.
MRKA2* (SU) Middle Rock Light, Ak61.07N 146.65W100100100NN100NN
NWPO3* (MA) Newport, Or44.60N 124.07W100100SNN100NSBarometric pressure failed 4/17/19. Dewpoint failed 09/27/16.
PILA2* (MA) Pilot Rock, Ak59.73N 149.47W100100SNN100NSBarometric pressure failed 4/19/23. Humidity failed 8/24/24.
PILM4* (MA) Passage Island, Mi48.22N 88.35W100100100NNSNNAir temperature failed 01/16/25.
POTA2* (SU) Potato Point, Ak61.05N 146.70W100100100NN100NN
PTAT2* (MA) Port Aransas, Tx27.82N 97.05W100100SNN100SSDewpoint failed 3/6/22. Water temperature failed 7/20/21. Barometric pressure failed 6/16/21.
PTGC1* (MA) Point Arguello, Ca34.57N 120.63WSSSNNSNNStation powered down 2/14/23.
ROAM4* (MA) Rock Of Ages, Mi47.87N 89.30W100100100NN100NN
SANF1* (SC) Sand Key, Fl24.45N 81.87W100100100NN100N100
SAUF1* (MA) St. Augustine, Fl29.85N 81.25W100S100NN98SSDewpoint failed 8/7/24. Water temperature failed due to exposure to air 6/26/24. Wind direction failed 6/28/24.
SBIO1* (SU) South Bass Island, Oh41.62N 82.83W100100100NN100NN
SGNW3* (SU) Sheboygan, Wi43.73N 87.68W100100100NN100SSDewpoint failed 8/8/23. Water temperature failed 1/16/15.
SGOF1* (MA) Tyndall Afb Tower29.40N 84.85WSSSNNSNSTransmissions ceased 11/4/25.
SISW1* (SC) Smith Island, Wa48.32N 122.82W100100100NN100N97Dewpoint is intermittent.
SMKF1* (SC) Sombrero Key, Fl30.35N 89.60WSSSNNSNSAir temperature, humidity and wind data returned 3/26/24. Data intermittent.
SPGF1* (SU) Settlement Point, Gbi26.70N 78.98W100100100NN100NSDewpoint failed 06/11/17.
SRST2* (MA) Sabine Pass, Tx29.68N 94.03WSSSNNSNSDewpoint intermittent due to frequent supersaturation. Transmissions intermittent 4/9/19. Winds failed 4/10/24. Station added to outage list 6/7/24.
STDM4* (SU) Stannard Rock, Mi47.18N 87.22WSSSNNSNSWind direction and speed failed 4/4/24. Barometric pressure failed 7/1/20. Air temperature and dewpoint failed 5/27/20.
TPLM2* (MA) Thomas Point, Md38.88N 76.43W100100100NN100SSWater temperature sensor removed 07/14/22. Dewpoint failed 09/16/21.
VENF1* (AR) Venice, Fl27.07N 82.45WSSSNNSSSTransmissions ceased 10/10/24.
WPOW1* (MA) West Point, Wa47.65N 122.43W100100100NN100N100
Total Base Funded Stations:40

Total Stations:40

*Base funded station of National Weather Service (NWS); however, all stations report data to NWS.


Payload Types

C-MAN anemometer heights are listed in the C-MAN User's Guide and on the NDBC Home Page at www.ndbc.noaa.gov.


*Hover over status code in table to display detail.