Station 44489 - West Chedabucto Bay
Data from this station are not quality controlled by NDBC
Click on the graph icon in the table below to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation. | |
Wind Direction (WDIR): | SW ( 230 deg true ) |
Wind Speed (WSPD): | 13.6 kts |
Wind Gust (GST): | 15.5 kts |
Wave Height (WVHT): | 3.0 ft |
Dominant Wave Period (DPD): | 4 sec |
Atmospheric Pressure (PRES): | 29.50 in |
Pressure Tendency (PTDY): | -0.07 in ( Falling ) |
Air Temperature (ATMP): | 57.6 °F |
Water Temperature (WTMP): | 51.3 °F |
Combined plot of Wind Speed, Gust, and Air Pressure |
Data from this station are not quality controlled by NDBC
Links which are specific to this station are listed below:
Real Time Data in tabular form for the last forty-five days.