Station 45196 - Search and Rescue Data
Average surface winds - six hour block.
Date (UTC) | Average Wind Dir (True) |
Average Wind Spd (Knots) |
Wind Obs |
Average Seas (Feet) |
Wave Obs |
Air Temp. (Degrees F.) |
Air Temp. Obs |
Water Temp. (Degrees F.) |
Water Temp. Obs |
2024-11-19 0000Z | 41 | 2 | 8 | 0 | 8 | 54 | 8 | 51 | 8 |
The six-hour averages are calculated as follows:
- The 0000Z average uses data from 2100Z to 0259Z.
- The 0600Z average uses data from 0300Z to 0859Z.
- The 1200Z average uses data from 0900Z to 1459Z.
- The 1800Z average uses data from 1500Z to 2059Z.