Station 42091 - Search and Rescue Data

Trinity Shoal, LA (255)
29.088 N 92.505 W (29°5'16" N 92°30'18" W)

The highly endangered Rice's whale, a newly identified species, inhabit the northeastern Gulf of Mexico year-round along the continental shelf-break between 100m and 400m depth. Vessels can kill or injure whales - please use slow speeds and be prepared to avoid surfacing whales. To report sightings call 1-877-WHALE-HELP.

Average surface winds - six hour block.

Date (UTC) Average
Wind Dir
Wind Spd
Air Temp.
(Degrees F.)
Air Temp.
Water Temp.
(Degrees F.)
Water Temp.
2025-02-13 0600Z--0612-06612
2025-02-13 0000Z--0612-06712
2025-02-12 1800Z--0512-06712
2025-02-12 1200Z--0412-06612
2025-02-12 0600Z--0412-06612
2025-02-12 0000Z--0312-06712
2025-02-11 1800Z--0212-06712
2025-02-11 1200Z--0212-06512
2025-02-11 0600Z--0212-06512
2025-02-11 0000Z--0212-06612
2025-02-10 1800Z--0212-06712
2025-02-10 1200Z--0212-06612
2025-02-10 0600Z--0212-06512
2025-02-10 0000Z--0211-06711
2025-02-09 1800Z--0212-06712
2025-02-09 1200Z--0212-06612
2025-02-09 0600Z--0212-06712
2025-02-09 0000Z--0212-06812
2025-02-08 1800Z--0212-06812
2025-02-08 1200Z--0112-06612

The six-hour averages are calculated as follows:

  • The 0000Z average uses data from 2100Z to 0259Z.
  • The 0600Z average uses data from 0300Z to 0859Z.
  • The 1200Z average uses data from 0900Z to 1459Z.
  • The 1800Z average uses data from 1500Z to 2059Z.

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