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Distance is entered as nautical miles or kilometers depending on whether you choose Imperial or Metric.
Latitude: (e.g. 30.5N or 30 30 0 N or 30 30 N)
Longitude: (e.g. 90W or 90 0 0 W or 90 0 W)
Unit of Measure: Imperial Metric Distance (nautical miles/kilometers):
Observation Type: All Moored Buoy Ship/Drifting Buoy Time: current t-1 hour past hour t-2 hours past 2 hours t-3 hours past 3 hours t-4 hours past 4 hours t-5 hours past 5 hours t-6 hours past 6 hours t-7 hours past 7 hours t-8 hours past 8 hours t-9 hours past 9 hours t-10 hours past 10 hours t-11 hours past 11 hours t-12 hours past 12 hours t-13 hours t-14 hours t-15 hours t-16 hours t-17 hours t-18 hours t-19 hours t-20 hours t-21 hours t-22 hours t-23 hours
No observations found in the requested area at 02/09/2025 1200 GMT